Master and margarita chapter summary
Master and margarita chapter summary

master and margarita chapter summary

For my annotations in this book I have followed the translation of Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky from 1997, published by Penguin Classics. I know seven different English translations of The Master and Margarita. The terms are mentioned in the order of their first appearance in the novel. In this book you can find annotations, ordered by chapter, explaining the names, locations, situations, quotations and other elements Bulgakov used to illustrate his view of Soviet society, with the aim of better understanding the novel. It is, for instance, not a coincidence that the woman tramdriver who beheaded Mikhail Berlioz at the Patriarch's Ponds in Chapter 3 is wearing «a crimson armband», or that the master tells Ivan Bezdomny in Chapter 13 that he «was in the same coat but with the buttons torn off». That mix is hidden everywhere throughout the novel in small details which, at first sight, seem to be trivial, but which are significant for those who know why they are mentioned. The author criticises real people in the Soviet Union of the 30s and creates absurd situations by mixing reality and fiction. Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita is, among other things, a satire. Welcome to the wonderful world of The Master and Margarita. Take a look frequently at the newspage of the website too, because Bulgakov is still alive…


In 2006, I created the «Master and Margarita» website with more information on Mikhail Bulgakov, the novel and its themes, the political, economical, social and cultural context, the characters and the locations, and I discovered how this novel has inspired many others to create music, movie pictures or theatre plays. It will stay there forever and I started learning Russian because, one day, I wanted to be able to read the novel in the original language. One year later the images came back, and how! Another Russian friend of mine, Irina Ternovaya, advised me to read The Master and Margarita, written by Mikhail Bulgakov. I was listening and I was amused, but without really trying to remember the name of the novel or its author. She told me a strange, but funny story about the Devil visiting Moscow. We were discussing literature and I told her about my favourite novel, Cien años de soledad, written by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. I was talking to Tatiana Poppel, a Russian friend who lived there.

master and margarita chapter summary

It was a hot summer night in July 2003 and I was admiring the Eiffel Tower from the open window of a nice penthouse at the Avenue Émile Zola in Paris. Jack from Oakdale, United States, who has taken the trouble to read it thoroughly so that it could be published in flawless English.Īlso a word of thanks to Bénédicte Prévost from Nivelles, Belgium, for the ditches of coffee and soup and the encouragements, and for urging me to make the illustrations for this book.

master and margarita chapter summary

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the creation of this book, and in particular Willam F. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal. Annotations Per Chapter Text and Illustrations Jan VanhellemontĪll rights reserved.

Master and margarita chapter summary