When you’re ready, click the “Rename” button, and PowerRename will perform the operation you’ve specified. Posts: 1 Joined: Fri 3:08 am Top Re: Windows 11 GUI by therube Fri 4:31 pm (Above hotlink not valid.
You probably know how to rename a single file, but let’s start with the basics, since the advanced tricks build off them. Rename Multiple Files in Windows Explorer Windows Explorer (known as File Explorer in Windows 10) is surprisingly powerful.
Item Extension Only: If checked, the operation will only apply to the file or folder’s extension and not its name. You can install it on Windows 10 or Windows 11.Item Name Only: If checked, the operation will only apply to the file or folder’s name and not its extension.Enumerate Items: This will add a number, counting upward, to the end of each file that is renamed.It only modifies files/folders names: Changing extension. This program can rename large amounts of files and folders in a few clicks. For example, if you select a directory that has files within sub-folders, those will not be affected. Ant Renamer is a free program that renames lots of files and folders by using specified settings. Exclude Subfolder Items: This excludes items in selected sub-folders from rename operations.

Exclude Folders: If this is checked, the operation will only apply to files and not folders.Exclude Files: If this is checked, the operation will only apply to folders and not files. WinExt Bulk Renamer is a 100 FREE file renamer utility for Windows 10/8/7/XP, it is used to rename multiple resources (files and directories) at once.With this checked, all instances of the search term will be replaced. Match All Occurrences: Normally, only the first instance of the search term is replaced (from left to right).For example, the term “dog” would match different results than “Dog.” In this demo, all instances of the file name 'foo' are replaced with 'foobar'. Case Sensitive: This option makes searches sensitive, whether the letters are capital or lowercase.Click on the View icon and select Details. Bulk Rename Utility is a utility which allows you to easily rename files and directories, based upon extemely flexible criteria. Go to the folder that contains files you want to rename. Use Regular Expressions: This allows the use of powerful search strings known as regular expressions, which can enable very in-depth or complex search-and-replace operations. Manual Methods If you choose not to download a third-party software, here are some better ways to rename your files: Method 1: Using Keyboard Shortcuts Windows 11: Open File Explorer.